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To the exact sciences, in the field of ecology and environmental protection
Explore the future
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To the exact sciences, in the field of ecology and environmental protection
Explore the future
" "
To the exact sciences, in the field of ecology and environmental protection
Study the question
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To the exact sciences, in the field of ecology and environmental protection
Create the future
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To the exact sciences, in the field of ecology and environmental protection
Change for the better
" "
To the exact sciences, in the field of ecology and environmental protection
Change for the better

About the program

«Shell Nxplorers» — is an innovative educational program where participants are taught tools and methodologies, critical and creative thinking skills, with the help of which they solve complex problems of the real world.

«Nxplorers: Zhasyl Urpak Baigesi» — part of the global initiative «Shell Nxplorers» for participants from Kazakhstan, in particular the West Kazakhstan region. Participants of «Nxplorers: Zhasyl Urpak Baigesi» develop projects in the field of ecology and nature protection.

In addition to Kazakhstan,«Shell Nxplorers» program is carried out in the following countries: Saudi Arabia, Australia, Brazil, Brunei, Egypt, India, Qatar, China, Malaysia, Nigeria, UAE, Oman, Russia, Singapore, Trinidad and Tobago, the Philippines.

How to participate

For students
We invite Kazakhstan students to participate in «Nxplorers: Zhasyl Urpak Baigesi». The program is open to students (if all conditions are accurate):

  1. 9-10 grades of a comprehensive school;
  2. residents of West Kazakhstan region
  3. who are interested in exact sciences, ecology and environmental protection.
Students participate in teams of 1-5 people. All team members must attend the same school. It is impossible to assemble a team of students from different schools.
The applications are acceptable from students until September 15, 2021.
Apply now

Opportunities for students

  • " "
    Implement and come up with a cool project
  • " "
    Improve the skills of creative and critical thinking, the ability to work in a team and find non-standard solutions to complex problems from the real world
  • " "
    Get financial and mentoring support for projects
  • " "
    Study problems, trends in ecology and technology
  • " "
    Join the international «Shell Nxplorers» community
  • " "
    Increase a number of achievements, improve portfolio and resume
  • " "
    Develop your project under the guidance of experts
  • " "
    Win 700 thousand tenge to start a project
  • " "
    Change the world for the better

For teachers

We invite teachers to take part in the international program «Nxplorers: Zhasyl Urpak Buigesi», to undergo training in relevant techniques and help students in developing projects.
Requirements for teachers:
  1. Requirements for teachers:
    Senior (9-11) grades teachers teaching self-knowledge, natural science, biology, geography, robotics, ecology. Teachers from other disciplines can also participate if they are interested in similar topics;
  2. Residents of the West Kazakhstan region;
  3. Knowledge and use of modern teaching methods in work - STEM and others, in particular the project based learning method;
    Ability to work in a team, effectively build communication and educational process within student teams, bring projects from the stage of ideas to implementation.
  4. Ability to work in a team, effectively build communication and educational process within student teams, bring projects from the stage of ideas to implementation.
The applications are acceptable from teachers until August 15, 2021.
Apply now

Opportunities for students

  • " "
    Create and implement a cool environmental project together with students
  • " "
    Get an international certificate
  • " "
    Become an expert and opinion leader
    in the Caravan of Knowledge community
  • " "
    Join the international community of «Shell Nxplorers» trainers
  • " "
    Learn modern educational techniques,
    which are used in the lessons
    and in other projects
  • " "
    Get popular fame -
    we will tell about you, your students
    and projects in social networks and media
700 thousand tenge
Received by each of 5 commands
-winners for the development of projects
Apply now

Stages «Nxplorers: Zhasyl Urpak Baigesi»

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July – august 2021
Selection and training of teachers
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August 2021
Submission of students' applications
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September 2021
Training of participants on real cases using the «Shell Nxplorers" methods
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October – november 2021
Selection of projects in three rounds
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December 2021
Final presentation of projects, awarding of the top five teams
" "
January – february 2022
Support for the projects of the winners
Participants of «Nxplorers: Zhasyl Urpak Baigesi» will offer solutions to the main environmental problems of Kazakhstan: air pollution, imperfect waste management system, pollution and shallowing of water sources, desertification and salinization of lands, melting of glaciers, problems of preserving the country's green fund and others.

Objective of the project:

equip young people with tools
and a methodology for solving problems in the field of ecology and environmental protection of the West Kazakhstan region.
complex tasks using the example of links with food, energy and water, using a variety of thinking tools and strategies.
positive change using the theory of change methodology
different futures using scenario planning tools.
different futures using scenario planning tools.

I want to become a coach of
«Nxplorers: Zhasyl Urpak Baigesi»

Frequently asked Questions

© 2021 Caravan of knowledge
About us
  • Team
  • Mission
  • Goals and objectives
  • Partners
  • Experts
  • For educators
  • For kids
Contact us
29/1 Kunaev street, office 1206, Nur-Sultan city,
  • Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 778 922 3105

Project manager Alfiya
+7 702 353 8768

Technical project manager
+7 776 107 7733
